Planet Prudence
Prudence Geerts, also known as "Planet Prudence," is a talented freelance illustrator and comic artist who has embarked on a remarkable journey. Her mission revolves around challenging societal stigmas and establishing a fresh paradigm of realistic and inclusive standards. Prudence is deeply committed to reclaiming a sense of individuality and self-empowerment, not only for herself but for all those she encounters.
From her earliest days, Prudence exhibited an unyielding passion for art, a trait that has remained constant throughout her life. Carrying art supplies everywhere she went as a child, this devotion to creativity has been a driving force in her journey. As "Planet Prudence," she wields her artistic talent as a means to break down barriers and promote a more authentic understanding of self and body.
Prudence's work as an illustrator and comic artist transcends traditional boundaries. Beyond showcasing her skill, each piece she creates becomes a vessel for empowerment, encouraging others to embrace their uniqueness. She actively seeks to set new standards that are grounded in reality and inclusivity, fostering a sense of connection and belonging.
To learn more about Prudence's extraordinary journey and her quest to reshape societal norms, she invites you to explore her website. There, she shares her experiences, insights, and the philosophy that underpins her creative endeavours.